Friday, September 25, 2009

Goonies Never Say Die

It's funny how when something comes to the end, we begin to think about everything that has led up to the end.

College has been absolutely amazing. I'm kind of disheartened by writing that last sentence. For so long I've been ready to leave. Ready to finish. Now that it's almost over, it's all too soon. The realization of never being in college again, another chapter closing, is sinking into my brain (and my heart).

Not that I want this to be a debbie downer post, but I feel like my life as I know it is finished. In a sense it is. This life that I've known for the past five and a half years is soon to be over. But a new life is about to begin for me. It's scary. I feel as if my social life is going to take a hit. I don't have many friends my age and it's because I've made sacrifices in my life for the sake of ministry. That sounds like I'm trying to be the martyr, but it's really the simple truth. The pain of sacrifice hasn't really hit me until now. Since moving to Ringgold, living with my parents, and commuting to school, I feel like I've missed out on a lot.

Now that I'll soon be on my own, I'm afraid that I'll be alone more than I want to be. I'm afraid that I won't find those who relate to me and the only thing I'll have is my job. I don't want a mediocre life, I don't want to stay in my little safe box and never take any risks, I don't want to live a life consisting of go to work, eat dinner, go to bed, repeat. I want to be out in the world and experiencing it.

Movies like The Goonies, Peter Pan, and Dead Poet's Society are playing out in my head because I want to grow up, I want to move on, but in all honesty the adult life seems extremely drab and boring. And my question is, why? Goonies never say die. Peter Pan grows up in the movie Hook and look what happens to him. He becomes boring and forgets where he came from. He loses himself.

How many of you out there have forgotten that you were once a child? How many of you are making excuses for not living? Have you become complacent? I'm not sure I'm ready for this, but we'll see.

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