Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oooh, That Smell

Man. I can't remember the last time I blogged. Funny, I can look down a few inches and bring that back to memory.

I've gotten to the point where I only write when I have something write about, and I guess that eases the minds of whomever reads this (not that there's many) because it leaves out useless musings.

Church was great today. We had some serious moves of God and He was there. But I'm left here thinking about my strange relationship with people. I mean, theoretical relationship. My heart goes out for people, but then again, they're the ones who piss me off the most. I don't understand why some people do the things they do. I never will.

Today brought to mind how people are so adamantly against change. When something changes, there's that smell in the air. There's this mindset of "don't fix what's not broken." This kind of attitude promotes:

3.a sense of perfection

Comfort, complacency, and a, false might I add, sense of perfection are the black plague of ministry.

Every time something changes it's automatically assumed that it's because something doesn't work.

This is sooooo not the case. Something can be working wonderfully and be changed. This is where the real pain happens. This is where the claws come out. This is where glorious things can happen We have to understand that everything can be BETTER. It's not that whatever is changing is bad, it's just that it can often times be BETTER. Change is the tool used on the road to something great. Everything has to change at some point in time, and in ministry, YOU have to trust that your leadership is following God. If you don't think they are, then you have a right to leave, but if your unrest is based on petty, personal issues, then there needs to be a heart-check and you can either leave over it, or you can suck it up, and trust that God will move through the change. Because He will. He doesn't needs man's approval. Change is tough. Change is painful at times. But change, when following the will of God, is beautiful.

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