Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finding God In A Lawn Mower

Man, God is good. Today I was mowing the grass and listening to some worship stuff and was just overwhelmed with joy! Like, I seriously hate mowing the grass. My nose gets all nasty from allergies and there's grass clippings everywhere, but today wasn't all bad. The weather was great, so I just went with it.

I started singing pretty loud.

The neighbors weren't outside, and I only saw like two cars pass by, but it was the first time in awhile that I've been out in public and haven't cared about how crazy I look. When I was done, I was headed inside and the song "Tear Down The Walls" started. God pretty much stopped me dead in my tracks and said, "Stay here with me for awhile." So I did.

I felt like David. (Except I had all my clothes on)

I had a personal moment with a very personal God and it felt so good. After my last post I felt like God heard me. I felt like God said, "Here's just a little bit of my presence to keep You going."

My tendency is to overlook the small things and not be satisfied with anything less than a burning bush moment, but the small things are where it's at.

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