Thursday, August 28, 2008

Worry Wart

Over the past week or two, I've been trying to catch myself when I start to worry about something. I'm one who worries a lot. It may not seem like it because I can play myself off as a really laid back kind of guy, but I'm often worrying about something.

I really want to not worry.

I've been super busy lately and all I can think of is how busy I am. It's like all the things I have to do, whether I want to do them or not, have become checkboxes. I get so caught up in the fact that I have to get it done, while it's happening, I can't focus on the present. I can't focus on the moment. I'm constantly focusing on the after. Which is really not the way to enjoy life. I mentioned in a previous post that Jesus says no one can add an hour to their life by worrying, so what's the point?

So I'm trying to make an intentional effort when I start worrying about something to take a breath and realize that I need to embrace the moment, good or bad, and see how God is going to use me in that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always been one to worry a lot as well. When something happens, I try to remember, Matthew 6:25-34.

I also struggle with always wanting to know what other people think about me. I guess there is no need to worry though.