Saturday, January 24, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Derek Martin

I've been running some pretty hefty issues through my head today and I figure it's best to get them out in writing. As a disclaimer, I don't necessarily subscribe to these thoughts, it's just the way my mind works.

The first is how are we, as Christians, supposed to know God? I understand that we can know His traits and have experiences with Him, but we'll never really know everything about Him until we see Him face to face. I know that we're not supposed to know everything about God because we'd be God if we did, but I guess we take what we have and add faith to the mix, and that's what we have to go on.

The other is the fact that, as a songwriter, I'm drawn to the idea of wrestling with demons. Not literally, but understanding that we're fighting a battle between our vices and our morals. The problem is that sometimes I think if I'm not fighting, I'll have no more material left. It's alluring.

These are just some questions I'd like to get some feedback on:
1. How do you know God? What has He done for you?
2. Does the battle inside you ever feel enticing?

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